Join us This sundayAt Image Church, we strive to be passionate disciple makers who help others find purpose with practical Biblical teaching, community through a place of grace, and where lives are transformed through ministry that meets the heart-felt needs of our local and global community.
As a church, we aim to love those in our community with the same love Christ has given to us. The work of our church is aimed at directing others towards the Savior in the hopes that they will encounter the one true God and be transformed by His gracious love for them. Through all we do, say, and preach, we pray that we will shine the light of Christ to all those we encounter. If you are looking for a church in the Cypress, TX area, visit us this weekend.
Get Connected
There is a place for you at Image ChurchAt Image Church we aim to create a space where you can encounter Him and get to know His will and ways. Whether through meeting together on a Sunday, in a home throughout the week, or serving the needs of our community, we welcome you to call this place home. We have groups in many areas around Cypress, for couples, men, women, first responders, college age, youth, and continue to add to this list. We are a people who cultivate, enjoy, and invite belonging.
Join Us Online
watch anytime, anywhere.Take A Step
Life Transformation begins with a step.Membership Class
Membership Classes are hosted on the first Sunday of each month for people interested in learning more about Image Church – how we started, foundations, values, etc. Join us for a chance to meet in a smaller group with leadership to ask questions and get to know each other.
Church doesn’t just happen on Sundays. As believers, God has put us into a larger community, a church! At Image Church, we believe life groups are the lifeblood of our church body. We hope life groups are a place people can find a home. We have different types of groups meeting in different locations around the city of Cypress and its suburbs.
Dream Team
Our incredible volunteers make church happen every week! From working with our kids, to greeting at our front doors, to maintaining the building, to security, to leading worship, there’s a place for YOU to contribute to what the Lord is doing in Image Church. Check out our teams to see where you’d fit best!